Built for Insurance Pioneers

Explore the Claims Intelligence toolkit that transforms insurance, empowers claims teams, and futureproofs your organization.

Unified Solutions to Augment Your Team

Built for Insurance

Domain-specific AI that understands the unique context of claims processing.

Quick Deployment

Bespoke implementations on usage-based terms for any need and easy onboarding.

Seamless Integration

Sync with any claims-management system and preserve processes you rely on.


Holistic technology that adapts to any line of business with comprehensive features.

Secure as ••••

Encryption, data monitoring & recovery, incident-event management—all built in.

Fair and Compliant

Certifiably compliant AI that eschews historical data to ensure fair outcomes.

Scale with 100+ Integrated Use Cases

Document Understanding

Extract data with industry-leading accuracy and glean instant knowledge.

Document Intelligence

Custom, evidence-backed insights that empower claims teams without black-box predictions.

Revolutionize Claims Processing

Liberate your team with Claims Intelligence, pave a new way forward for insurance, and define your legacy.